Do yoU

we can help!


We understand how painful it is to leave a group or organization that has felt like family. We understand the confusion that comes with questioning a belief system that has seemed like the truth.  It may have provided answers to life’s hard questions. You may have devoted yourself to the group wholeheartedly, only to find it wasn’t what you though it was.   

We can help.  You are not alone.  

We can help you rebuild your life in a powerful way.   We offer support groups and individual counseling with professionals who understand.  We can connect you with a coach who will do all they can to help you move forward in your life with dignity.



Is someone you love involved in a group or organization that might be using psychological manipulation to control them?

It is a desperate feeling to know your loved one may be under the control of a leader or group that you believe could be a cult or other type of extremist group.   

We can help.  You are not alone.

There are more resources than you might think.  Our database is filled with information and resources that can help you and your loved one.  Many families have gone through similar situations to yours.  Start by getting informed.  Try to keep the lines of communication open with the person you are concerned about.

When you contact us, we will help you get the information and support you desperately need.  



Help us in our mission to counteract manipulative tactics and help victims thrive. 


Together we can help those who need it most and prevent future abuse.